произведение Give it 2 me, исполняет Madonna. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Специально для вас мы подготовили песню Give it 2 me от музыканта Madonna. Здесь есть всё, что вам нужно: текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном языке. Хороший плеер для прослушивания прямо на сайте. Кнопочка скачать позволит вам загрузить файл себе на компьютер. Ну и обязательно посмотрите видео с песней Give it 2 me - оно весьма интересное.

Произведение: Give it 2 me

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Текст песни увидели: 491

Музыкант: Madonna

Дата добавки: 2014-10-22

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:47

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Другие произведения музыканта Madonna
Текст песни:

What are you waiting for?
Nobody's gonna show you how
Why work for someone else
To do what you can do right now?

Got no boundaries and no limits
If there's excitement, put me in it
If it's against the law, arrest me
If you can handle it, undress me

Don't stop me now, don't need to catch my breath
I can go on and on and on
When the lights go down and there's no one left
I can go on and on and on

Give it to me, yeah
No one's gonna show me how
Give it to me, yeah
No one's gonna stop me now

They say that a good thing never lasts
And then it has to fall
Those are the the people that did not
Amount to much at all

Give me the bassline and I'll shake it
Give me a record and I'll break it
There's no beginning and no ending
Give me a chance to go and I'll take it

Don't stop me now, don't need to catch my breath
I can go on and on and on
When the lights go down and there's no one left
I can go on and on and on

Give it to me, yeah
No one's gonna show me how
Give it to me, yeah
No one's gonna stop me now

Watch this

Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?)
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?)
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?)
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it

Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it
(to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right)
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it
(to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right)
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it
(to the left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right)
Get stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid...
(left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right)

Madonna - Give It 2 Me (ft. Pharrell) (Official Music Video)
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