произведение You'll Never Give Up, исполняет Triangle Sun. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

You'll Never Give Up - Triangle Sun
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Произведение: You'll Never Give Up

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Музыкант: Triangle Sun

Дата добавки: 2015-03-04

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:20

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Другие произведения музыканта Triangle Sun
Текст песни:

Cell phone rings,
They found a Mr. Jaffery
"the corner of the street two buildings down"
Wailing in the wheelchair, in the pouring rain,
I’m all alone!
I’m all alone!

Tommy has a plan to marry Liz.
But all guys in the block don`t think he`s right.
Liz doesn’t think too much she’s with Bob and James.
Oh! She’s so wild.
Oh! She’s so wild.

But You say You’ll never give up on me!
You know me like I never knew.
Time is helping my eyes to see
Your love which is true.

Kinsli and Papinda live in Africa,
In a little town since 1969.
But roses in a garden don’t impress them much
Because they’re blind.
Completely blind.

The world around is full of broken hearts.
But how to find the way to fix them all again.
And where to find this perfect medicine
To cure our pain.
To cure our pain.

But You say You’ll never give up on me!
You know think there are never knew.
Time is helping my eyes to see
Your love which is true.

Triangle Sun - You'll Never Give Up
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