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Произведение: Actions And Motives

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Музыкант: Years

Дата добавки: 2014-10-02

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:23

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Другие произведения музыканта Years
Текст песни:

Wait the fact you did it.
Don't admit it.
Won't make you innocent.
Fate finds you wicked.
Turns you victim for everything you have done.
So justify the reason to kill.
Reason to kill.
I bet you will.
Fooling no one but yourself.
But yourself.
I wish you well.

Oh what tangled webs we weave.
When we practice to deceive.
I know you well.
I know you well.

Actions and motives.
Bear the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.
Hell has to notice.
Your actions and motives.
Bear the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.

I just don't get it.
How you managed to justify who dies.
Like judge and jury.
Your the very one who crucifies.
Don't get your hands dirty to kill.
Use someone else.
Know all your lies are measured in hell.
I wish you well.

Oh what tangled webs we weave.
When we practice to deceive.
I know you well.
I know you well.

Actions and motives.
Bear the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.
Hell has to notice.
Your actions and motives.
Bear the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.

Can't bleed out!

Actions and motives.
Bear the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.
Hell has to notice.
Your actions and motives.
Bear the crossHell has to notice, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.

10 Years - Actions and Motives
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