произведение Shattered, исполняет Trading Yesterday. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Shattered

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Музыкант: Trading Yesterday

Дата добавки: 2014-07-11

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:59

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Другие произведения музыканта Trading Yesterday
Текст песни:

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding
Fall into your sunlight
The future's open wide beyond believing
To know why hope dies
Losing what was found, a world so hollow
Suspended in a compromise
The silence of this sound is soon to follow
Somehow sundown

And finding answers
Is forgetting all of the questions we call home
Passing the graves of the unknown

As reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading
Illusions of the sunlight
And the reflection of a lie will keep me waiting
Love gone for so long

This day's ending is the proof of time killing all the faith I know
Knowing that faith is all I hold

And I've lost who I am
And I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken
Rejecting your love
Without love gone wrong
Less words
Carry on

But I know
All I know
Is that the ends beginning

Who I am from the start
Take me home to my heart
Let me go
And I will run
I will not be silenced

All this time spent in vain
Wasted years
Wasted gain
All is lost
Hope remains
And this war's not over

There's a light
There's the sun
Taking all the shattered ones
To the place we belong
And his love will conquer

And I've lost who I am
And I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken
Rejecting your love
Without love gone wrong
Less words
Carry on

But I know
All I know
Is that the ends beginning

Who I am from the start
Take me home to my heart
Let me go
And I will run
I will not be silenced

All this time spent in vain
Wasted years
Wasted gain
All is lost
Hope remains
And this war's not over

There's a light
There's the sun
Taking all the shattered ones
To the place we belong
And his love will conquer all
Yes his love will conquer all

Yesterday I died, tomorrows bleeding
Fall into your sunlight

Субтитры отдельно к этому mp3 здесь:

Trading Yesterday - Shattered (MTT Version)
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