произведение Like Knives, исполняет The Fashion. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Like Knives

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Текст песни увидели: 454

Музыкант: The Fashion

Дата добавки: 2014-12-30

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:14

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Текст песни:

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us
'cause they’ll never really tame us

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us
'cause they’ll never really tame us

You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
you gotta' be more in control, you gotta' be more in control
You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
be more in control, be more in control

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And watch the flash of the blade as it grinds right to our bones without a sound
So cut it like a DJ, cut it while it’s hot
And cut it while you still remember
How all the DJs cut, how all the DJs cut, cut me a slice of your tracks now

You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
You gotta' be more in control, you gotta' be more in control
You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
Be more in control, be more in control

You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
You gotta' be more in control, you gotta' be more in control
You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
Be more in control, be more in control

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us
'cause they’ll never really tame us

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us
'cause they’ll never really tame us

Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up
And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us
'cause they’ll never really tame us

You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
You gotta' be more in control, you gotta' be more in control
You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
Be more in control, be more in control

You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
You gotta' be more in control, you gotta' be more in control
You’re so outa' control, You’re so outa' control
Be more in control, be more in control

The Fashion - Like Knives
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