произведение Time Stands Stills, исполняет The All-American Rejects. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Time Stands Stills

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Текст песни увидели: 525

Музыкант: The All-American Rejects

Дата добавки: 2015-01-12

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:30

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Другие произведения музыканта The All-American Rejects
Текст песни:

Him and her
Life is turned.
The day I knew you would leave
I can barely breath

Can you hear me scream?
O-o-o thrown in all directions
O-o-o epitome of perfection
She's lost her will,(She's lost her will)
Time is standing still

He walks, her, home
Now he walks a-lone
The days, they turn into years
The eyes, they drown in tears

Can you hear me scream?
O-o-o thrown in all directions
O-o-oYou Epitome of perfection
She's lost her will, (She's lost her will)
Time is standing still

The way we are the way they were
(It's just a shadow of what's wrong)
The time with you the time is stirred
(I love you for, so long)
The hearts they turn, they turn away
(She says to go please don't you cry)
Love lost was found, night turns to day

O-o-o thrown in all directions
O-o-o Epitome of perfection
She's lost her will,
Time is standing still

O-o-o thrown in all directions
O-o-o Epitome of perfection
She's lost her will, (she's lost her will)
Time is standing still


Time is standing still

The All-American Rejects - Time Stands Still
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