произведение The Wings English version, исполняет Stigmata. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: The Wings (English version)

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Текст песни увидели: 609

Музыкант: Stigmata

Дата добавки: 2014-07-29

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:22

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Другие произведения музыканта Stigmata
Текст песни:

Your hands (?)
Take your last step, an angel!
Take your last step!
I did not want
To break you to your doomsday.
When you lied.
Who (?) will believe?

It won't be me.

Sleep (?), angel.
Kissing you, good night,
Kissing you, good night.

Eyepits full of sorrow
Will wash away our sins for us
(?), angel.
Take you last step!
I did not want
To break you to your doomsday.
But you've left.

Slowly and softly
Your heart madly beating,
You won't hear the steps of
The death you'll be greeting.
It's crowling behind you,
The wings you have broken.
Watch you on the rooftop
And (?) talking.

You fall!
You have just fallen.

Lier, lier!
You have just fallen
Lier, lier!

Slowly and softly
Your heart madly beating,
You won't hear the steps of
The death you'll be greeting.
It's crowling behind you,
The wings you have broken.
Watch you on the rooftop
And (?) talker.

Slowly and softly
Your heart madly beating,
You won't hear the steps of
The death you'll be greeting.
It's crowling behind you,
The wings you have broken.
Watch you on the rooftop
And (?) talker.

You fall!

Stigmata On The Wings of the Storm. Official Video. 2014 Arcane Productions
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