произведение Sulfur, исполняет Slipknot. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Sulfur

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Текст песни увидели: 603

Музыкант: Slipknot

Дата добавки: 2015-01-13

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:37

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Другие произведения музыканта Slipknot
Текст песни:

My guilt and my shame
Always sell me short, always feel the same
And my face and my soul
Always wear me thin, always under control

But the longest hours you'll have in your life
Are the ones you sit through to know if you're right
So I'll wait but I pray that I'm wrong
Because I think I know what's going on

So let me get this straight
The only will is my own
I do whatever I want and stay alone
All my decisions make it untouchable and tainted

I'm gonna suffer for the rest of my life
But I will always find a way to survive
I'm not a failure but I know what it?s like
I can take it or leave it or die

Stay, you don't always know where you stand
Till you know that you won't run away
There's something inside me that feels
Like breathing in sulfur

My life is undone
And I'm a sinner to most but a sage to some
And my Gods are untrue
I'm probably wrong but I'm better than you

And the longest hours I've had in my life
Were the ones I went through to know I was right
So I'm safe but I'm a little outside
I'm gonna laugh when I'm buried alive

Stay, you don't always know where you stand
Till you know that you won't run away
There's something inside me that feels
Like breathing in sulfur, like breathing in sulfur

Like breathing in sulfur
Like breathing in sulfur

Stay, you don't always know where you stand
Till you know that you won't run away
There's something inside me that feels
Like breathing in sulfur, like breathing in sulfur

Stay, you don't always know where you stand
(You don't always know where you stand)
Till you know that you won't run away
There's something inside me that feels
(There's something inside me that feels)
Like breathing in sulfur, like breathing in sulfur

Like breathing in sulfur
Like breathing in sulfur
Like breathing in sulfur
Like breathing in sulfur

Slipknot - Sulfur [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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