произведение Daddy's Girl, исполняет Scorpions. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Daddy's Girl

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Текст песни увидели: 539

Музыкант: Scorpions

Дата добавки: 2014-12-18

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:18

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Другие произведения музыканта Scorpions
Текст песни:

SwSweet little child,
You know nothing,
But a cold world outside.
You're too young to realize,
What he wants from you tonight.

Poor little girl,
There is no one
You can trust in the world.
In the darkness of the night,
What he's doing is a crime.

Your mother denies
There's a problem.
She's looking away,
She don't wanna hear you cry,
She will pray,
Then it's over for a while.

Sweet little child,
You know nothing,
But a cold world outside.
You're too young to realize,
What he wants from you tonight.

Your mother denies
There's a problem.
She's looking away,
She don't wanna hear you cry,
She will pray,
Then it's over for a while.

An ocean of silence
Is drowning your heart.
What never should be
Will remain in the dark.

Poor little girl,
There is no one
You can trust in the world.
In the darkness of the night,
What he's doing is a crime

Sweet little child,
You know nothing,
But a cold world outside.
You're too young to realize,
What he wants from you tonight.

Your mother denies
There's a problem.
She's looking away,
She don't wanna hear you cry,
She will pray,
Then it's over for a while.

An ocean of silence
Is drowning your heart.
What never should be
Will remain in the dark.

Sweet little child,
You know nothing,
But a cold world outside.
You're too young to realize,
What he wants from you tonight.

She is daddy's girl,
Daddy's girl,
Daddy's girl,
Daddy's girl...

Scorpions - Daddy's Girl
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