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Произведение: Save The Population

Оцените песню: 0

Текст песни увидели: 515

Музыкант: RHCP

Дата добавки: 2014-10-16

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:04

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Другие произведения музыканта RHCP
Текст песни:

History's so strong
History's so strong
History's so strong
History's so strong

Sing another drinking song the honkytonk will do
Making another breaking bone your favorite ingenue
This the distant dawn
This the distant dawn

I put my cards upon the table
I do this because I am able
One picks his broken down devotion
I threw my pistol in the ocean
Eyes wide with revelation
Shine at the police station
And when the verdict comes round
I'm sure that you will go down

Stay all night
we'll save the population
Stay all night
we'll save the population
Stay all night
we'll save the population
Stay all night
we'll save the population

(Instrumental Bridge)

Pistol and its pawn
Sell it to the lexicon
A pistol and its pawn
Blood and border lines be drawn

Take another bottle down the brothel and the shrew
Make another awful sound, a rather gothic brew
History's so strong
History's so strong

I put my cards upon the table
I do this because I am able
One picks his broken down devotion
I threw my pistol in the ocean
Eyes wide with revelation
Shine at the police station
And when the verdict comes round
I'm sure that you will go down

Stay all night we'll save the population....

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Save the Population
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