произведение Hold Me For A While, исполняет Rednex. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Hold Me For A While

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Музыкант: Rednex

Дата добавки: 2015-01-11

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:45

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Текст песни:

Rednex - Hold me for a while

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

What's that sparkle in your eyes?
Is it tears that I see?
Oh, tomorrow you are gone
So tomorrow I'm alone
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

We're in each others arms
Soon we're miles apart
Can you imagine how I'll miss,
Your touch and your kiss?
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me now,
From dusk, all night to dawn
Save, save me now,
A short moment of time

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

HOLD ME FOR A WHILE - Rednex (singer Mia Löfgren)
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