произведение You And Me feat. Lilja Bloom, исполняет Parov Stelar. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Специально для вас мы подготовили песню You And Me feat. Lilja Bloom от музыканта Parov Stelar. Здесь есть всё, что вам нужно: текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном языке. Хороший плеер для прослушивания прямо на сайте. Кнопочка скачать позволит вам загрузить файл себе на компьютер. Ну и обязательно посмотрите видео с песней You And Me feat. Lilja Bloom - оно весьма интересное.

Произведение: You And Me (feat. Lilja Bloom)

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Музыкант: Parov Stelar

Дата добавки: 2014-10-14

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:41

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Текст песни:

You've been waiting so long
I'm here to answer your call
I know that I shouldn't have had you waiting at all
I've been so busy, but I've been thinking about
what I wanna do with you

I know them other guys
they been talking 'bout the way I do what I do
They heard I was good, they wanna see if it's true
They know you're the one I wanna give it to
I can see you want me too
Now, it's me and you

It's me and you, now
I've been waiting (Waiting)
Think I wanna make that move, now
Baby, tell me if you like it (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now
Baby, tell me how you like it

I was waiting for you to tell me you were ready
I know what to do, if only you would let me
As long as you're cool with it, I'll treat you right
Here is where you wanna be

I know them other guys
they been talking bout the way I do what I do
They heard I was good, they wanna see if it's true
They know you're the one I wanna give it to
I can see you want me too
And now, it's me and you

It's me and you now (Baby, it's me and you)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Thinking bout making that move)
Baby, tell me if you like it (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now (Uh-huh)
I've been waiting (Hey)
Think I wanna make that move, now (Wanna make a move)
Baby, tell me how you like it (Yea)

Baby, I'll love you all the way down
Get cha right where you like it, I promise you'll like it (I swear)
Just relax and let me make that move (It's our secret thang)
Keep it between me and you

It's me and you, now (Oh Yea-a)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Move now)
Baby, tell me if you like (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now (Yea)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Gonna make a move now)
Baby, tell me how you like it
It's me and you

Me and you, it's just me and you...

Parov Stelar feat. Lilja Bloom - With You
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