произведение A Day to Be Alone, исполняет One Less Reason. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

A Day to Be Alone - One Less Reason
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Произведение: A Day to Be Alone

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Музыкант: One Less Reason

Дата добавки: 2015-02-26

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:32

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Текст песни:

She said I wonder when it'll be my day
Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
And all I've got are screams inside
But somehow they come out and smile
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way (this way)

Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone than being stuck here with me.

Maybe you've fallen down
Maybe you, you took the long way home
Baby you could never love you,
Like me.
One day this will fade away
And the mirror you'll see your smiling face and standing next to you will always be me.

One day you're gonna see things my way
you gave me so much room that I can breathe
And all I've got are pictures to view
There was nothing before and I've started with you
For some reason it's supposed to be that way

Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone than being stuck here with me.

Be me

If I could shrink it down and put it in your head
We made it hurt so much I can't forget the past
Just tell me what to say
Show me what to do
Then I can forgive me and I can forgive you.

Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone than being stuck here with me.


Will always always be me
Will always be mee yeah
You know it'll always be me
Always be me
Always always always be me
See you're smiling face

One Less Reason - A Day To Be Alone Lyrics
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