произведение Kill My Boyfriend, исполняет Natalia Kills. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Kill My Boyfriend

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Музыкант: Natalia Kills

Дата добавки: 2014-10-04

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:35

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Другие произведения музыканта Natalia Kills
Текст песни:

I'm rolling the dice, got the wind in my hair...
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend, yeah
'cause he's only nice when there's somebody there
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend

It's been a minute, love
Wish we never broke it off...
I hated that we separated
Can't forget you, no

But now I got another
Got a ring
I got a lover
I'm about to have a mother in law...

And things are kinda perfect
But I know you're fucking worth it...
There's only one thing I can do to break it off

I'm rolling the dice, got the wind in my hair...
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend, yeah
'cause he's only nice when there's somebody there
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend

Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can run away just like we said
Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can be together like we planned

You're the one I want
Everything I'm dreaming of...
Don't make me break his heart
In a million pieces,no

But every time I'm with him
I imagine that we're kissing
And I'm wishing
He was you all along...

And boy I'm so committed
I'm so deep there's no more digging...
There's only one thing I can do to solve this mess

I'm rolling the dice, got the wind in my hair...
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend, yeah
'cause he's only nice when there's somebody there
I'm gonna kill my boyfriend

Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can run away just like we said
Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can be together like we planned

I gotta kill my boyfriend.

And I'll do the time
You're my sweetest crime
You know that I'll wait for you baby...
And we'll be apart
But you'll have my heart
I'm saving it all for you baby

Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can run away just like we said
Kill kill kill
I'm gonna
Kill kill kill
So we can be together like we planned

I gotta kill my boyfriend.

Natalia Kills - Kill My Boyfriend
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