произведение If I Die Tomorrow, исполняет мотли крю. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: If I Die Tomorrow

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Текст песни увидели: 534

Музыкант: мотли крю

Дата добавки: 2014-09-30

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:42

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Текст песни:

I wake up to find myself
After all these years
And where all the time has gone
Still seems so unclear
Cause there's no one else
Since I found you
I know it's been so hard
You should know

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said all I can say
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow

It brings out the worst in me
When you're not around
I missed the sound of your voice
The silence seems so loud
Cause there's no one else
Since I found you
I know it's been so hard
You should know

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said, all I can say
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow

I spent all my life
Looking for our innocence
I've got nothing to lose
One thing to prove
I won't make the same mistakes
Now I know
That everything will be okay
If I die tomorrow

If I die tomorrow
As the minutes fade away
I can't remember
Have I said all I can say
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
You're my everything
You make me feel so alive
If I die tomorrow
If I die tomorrow

Motley Crue - If I Die Tomorrow
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