произведение Don't Think Of Me, исполняет Dido. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Don't Think Of Me

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Текст песни увидели: 550

Музыкант: Dido

Дата добавки: 2014-10-13

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:32

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Другие произведения музыканта Dido
Текст песни:

So you're with her, and not with me, I hope she's sweet, and so pretty
I hear she cooks delightfully, a little angel beside me
So you're with her, and not with me, oh how lucky one man can be
I hear your house is smart and clean, oh how lovely with your home coming queen
Oh how lovely it must be

When you see her sweet smile baby, don't think of me
When she lays in your warm arms, don't think of me

So you're with her, and not with me, I know she spreads sweet honey
In fact your best friend, I heard he spent last night with her
Now how do you feel
How do you feel

When you see her sweet smile baby, don't think of me
When she lays in your warm arms, don't think of me
And it's too late and it's too bad, coz don't think of me
And it's too late and it's too bad, don't think of me

Does it bother you now all the mess I made
Does it bother you now the clothes you told me not to wear
Does it bother you now all the angry games we played
Does it bother you now when I'm not there

When you see her sweet smile baby, don't think of me
When she lays in your warm arms, don't think of me
And it's too late and it's too bad, don't think of me
And it's too late, and it's too bad, don't think of me

Don't think of me - Dido (Lyrics)
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