произведение Speak Silence, исполняет Darkseed. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Speak Silence

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Текст песни увидели: 645

Музыкант: Darkseed

Дата добавки: 2014-10-05

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:09

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Другие произведения музыканта Darkseed
Текст песни:

Lost, misguided minds, feverish dumb,
I wonder how your life will end one day.
Your soul is caught in a smiling web of sins,
You bring the world to its knees, again and again.
Again and again.

Speak silence, the knife is mine.
Speak silence, the knife is mine!

The knife is mine, your emptiness
Devouring life as stars are waning overhead,
You celebrate with demons in your home
You put the world to an end, that's why I say:

Speak silence! You're just walking shades!
Go away, back into your mental cage!
Live silence! Keep your demons locked
In your mouth, and your head, go away!
Speak silence!
There's no cure for your disease,
Denn Du bist Mensch, and humans never learn.
Live silence! I pierce my bloody knife
in your mouth, and your head, in your veins.

Speak silence, the knife is mine,
Speak silence, silence,

Mine, mine, this knife is mine
You walk towards the end,
Feel the coldness in your veins.
Down, down, now you get down,
Your body crumbles.
This fiery pulse of sin now stops to beat.
This knife is mine, the pain is yours.
Your broken dreams complete!
This knife is mine, hurting deep,
Again and again I say:

Speak silence! You're just walking shades!
Go away, back into your mental cage!
Live silence! Keep your demons locked
In your mouth, and your head, go away!
Speak silence!
There's no cure for your disease,
Denn Du bist Mensch, and humans never learn.
Live silence! I pierce my bloody knife
in your mouth, and your head, in your veins.

The sun has set and I enjoy the void.
Without you the silence is so sweet.
All living beings are sinking down,
The sky is vacant and I smile.

Speak silence
Speak silence
Speak silence
Speak silence when I smile
Speak silence
Speak silence
Speak silence
Speak silence in my loneliness

Darkseed - Speak Silence
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