произведение Deeper and Deeper, исполняет Cinema Bizarre. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Deeper and Deeper

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Текст песни увидели: 588

Музыкант: Cinema Bizarre

Дата добавки: 2015-04-09

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:28

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Текст песни:

Cinema Bizarre - Deeper and Deeper

Why - why should we go deeper into this?
I don't know
Try - I'm tryin' to find what's in your secret.
'cause I don't know
Time - the minutes are counted between us
(That's why)

I'm fallin' deeper and deeper
Getting sweeter and sweeter
You can't obscure (your) desire
'cause you learn as it grows
It's so strong
It lingers on

How - How come your abundant in my thoughts?
I wonder
Now - I feel that it's scripted into my part.
I still wonder
Time - the seconds are counted between us
(That's why)

I'm fallin' deeper and deeper
Getting sweeter and sweeter
You can't obscure (your) desire
'cause you learn as it grows
It's so strong
It lingers on

Deep within, in between
Me and myself
So high
Deeper, Sweeter

I'm fallin' deeper and deeper
Getting sweeter and sweeter
You can't obscure (your) desire
'cause you learn as it grows
It's so strong
It lingers on

Cinema Bizarre - Deeper and Deeper [High Quality] TRL awards 2009
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