произведение Room 409, исполняет Bullet For My Valentine. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Room 409

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Текст песни увидели: 532

Музыкант: Bullet For My Valentine

Дата добавки: 2015-04-07

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:01

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Другие произведения музыканта Bullet For My Valentine
Текст песни:


I can't believe what I've seen, so scratch my eyes out!
You, were at ease, on your knees, in his apartment!
You said his name, as I came, in your direction!
Now, I can choose, what to do, with both of you

I loved you! (I need you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories

I, take a step, to the left, now you see me!
Tears, start to pour, as you crawl, in his apartment!
You, screamed his name, as I came, in your direction!
Fists, start to fly, say goodbye, there's no excuses!

I loved you! (I need you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories


Get up!
(Hey!) There's no excuses!
(Hey!) There's no excuses!

I loved you! (I need you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories
Erase all my memories of you!

Bullet For My Valentine - Room 409
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