произведение She Wore Shadows, исполняет ASP. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: She Wore Shadows

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Текст песни увидели: 471

Музыкант: ASP

Дата добавки: 2014-10-16

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:03

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Текст песни:

She wore shadows
Она носила тени
She is swaying like the morning haze -
don't make a mistake
And her skin glows like the summer moon -
she moves like a snake
Her eyes get lost in the green maze -
she'll get you she'll get you
You got too deep inside too soon

She's so superior - goddess
She's so superior - elvenqueen

She wore shadows
She wore shadows
She wore shadows
Shadows and skin
She wore shadows
She wore shadows
Nothing but shadows
Shadows and skin

She is naked and she doesn't care -
don't look into her eyes
With the self-assurance of a queen -
a beast in disguise
She is more than you can ever bear -
she'll hunt you she'll hunt you
Born to kill your self-esteem

She's so superior - goddess
She's so superior - elvenqueen

She wore shadows...

She looks at you you can't resist -
she'll hunt you she'll hunt you
And she will take you by the wrist -
imprisoned and into
She'll take you to another place -
oblivion you'll fall
And you'll be lost without a trace -
sense nothing at all

She wore shadows...

ASP She wore Shadows
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