произведение MAXSTEP, исполняет YOUNIQUE UNIT. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: MAXSTEP

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Текст песни увидели: 471


Дата добавки: 2014-07-12

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:46

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Другие произведения музыканта YOUNIQUE UNIT
Текст песни:

'MAXSTEP' from SM & Hyundai's collaboration album 'PYL Younique Album'


AH-HA You’re provoking me? UP AND DOWN!
You took it a level higher, scream! RIGHT! (MAXSTEP x4)

The whole world shakes shakes when seeing my exceptional image
My roar resounds into the silent atmosphere,
If I hesitated I can’t even escape it,
Destroyed, pushed away, only the best of the best survive

HANDS UP IN THE AIR! Welcome and acclaim me, don’t stop me, experience the best stage,
GROWLING IN THE AIR! The more you reject me, the deeper you can through me, the absolute you!

Don’t be scared, now your dream will become reality, a challenge that is a step closer today than it was yesterday
MAX to the best, MAX to the best! (MAXSTEP x4)

AHHA! We’ve got a purpose! Advance and advance without stopping until the end of the open world (LET’S GO!)
Until when are you going to get tricked by the traps made for children, will you get tricked? If so are you going to endure it? (MAXSTEP x2)

You forget what you want to say and shake shake when seeing my shocking image
Only your graceful name resounds into the world
If I hesitated I can’t even escape it
Destroyed, pushed away, only the best of the best survive

HANDS UP IN THE AIR! Welcome and acclaim me, don’t stop me, experience the best stage,
GROWLING IN THE AIR! The more you reject me, the deeper you can through me, the absolute you! Scream! Scream!

HANDS UP IN THE AIR! Welcome and acclaim me, don’t stop me, experience the best stage,
GROWLING IN THE AIR! The more you reject me, the deeper you can through me, the absolute you! Scream! Scream!

I opened the rough and dangerous road first for you, my challenge
It’s not fun if you just get everything
You’ll only know after you overcome a couple of mountains
Shall we feel the wind that only blows at the top? Should we have fun?


HANDS UP IN THE AIR! Welcome and acclaim me, don’t stop me, experience the best stage,
GROWLING IN THE AIR! The more you reject me, the deeper you can through me, the absolute you! Scream! Scream!

HANDS UP IN THE AIR! Welcome and acclaim me, don’t stop me, experience the best stage,
GROWLING IN THE AIR! The more you reject me, the deeper you can through me, the absolute you! Scream! Scream!

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