произведение Please don't stop the musicfrom Laurel club, исполняет Rihana. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Специально для вас мы подготовили песню Please don't stop the musicfrom Laurel club от музыканта Rihana. Здесь есть всё, что вам нужно: текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном языке. Хороший плеер для прослушивания прямо на сайте. Кнопочка скачать позволит вам загрузить файл себе на компьютер. Ну и обязательно посмотрите видео с песней Please don't stop the musicfrom Laurel club - оно весьма интересное.

Произведение: Please don't stop the music(from Laurel club)

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Текст песни увидели: 527

Музыкант: Rihana

Дата добавки: 2014-09-21

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:19

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Другие произведения музыканта Rihana
Текст песни:

Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

It's gettin late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate, yeah

Who knew
That you'd be up in here lookin like you do
You're makin' stayin' over here impossible
Baby I must say your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go don't

Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dance floor
Acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rocking to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Baby are you ready cause its getting cold
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show, oh

Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin on the dance floor
Acting naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music

Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rocking to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music

Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music

Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa
Mama say mama sa, Ma ma coo sa

Please don't stop the music

Providence Pom Squad: A Tribute
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