произведение Eet, исполняет Regina Spektor. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Специально для вас мы подготовили песню Eet от музыканта Regina Spektor. Здесь есть всё, что вам нужно: текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном языке. Хороший плеер для прослушивания прямо на сайте. Кнопочка скачать позволит вам загрузить файл себе на компьютер. Ну и обязательно посмотрите видео с песней Eet - оно весьма интересное.

Произведение: Eet

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Текст песни увидели: 402

Музыкант: Regina Spektor

Дата добавки: 2014-10-06

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:52

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Другие произведения музыканта Regina Spektor
Текст песни:

It's like forgetting
the words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy
And the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to feel a beat eeet eeeet eeet

You spend half of your life
Trying to fall behind
You're using your headphones
To drown out your mind
It was so easy
And the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet eet eeet eeet

Someone's deciding
Whether or not to steal
He opens a window
Just to feel the chill
He hears that outside
A small boy just started to cry
'Cause it's his turn
But his brother won't let him try

It's like forgetting
The words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy
And the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet
It was so easy
And the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to feel the beat-t-t-t-t-t

Regina Spektor - "Eet" [Official Music Video]
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