произведение Ill be missing you, исполняет P. Diddy. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Ill be missing you

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Текст песни увидели: 608

Музыкант: P. Diddy

Дата добавки: 2014-09-19

Длительность mp3 песни: 05:10

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Другие произведения музыканта P. Diddy
Текст песни:

seems like yesterday we used to rock the show i lace the track you lock the flo so far from hanging on the block for dough notorius they got to know that life aint always what it seems to be words cant express what you mean to me even though your gone were still a team through your family i'll fullfill your dream give any thing to here half your breath i know your still living life after death.
every step i take
every move i make
every single day every time i pray i'll be missing you
every step i take
every move i make
what a life to take what a bond to break i'll be missing you
its kinda hard with you not around know your in heaven smiling down watching us while we pray for you every day we pray for you untill the day we meet again in my heart is where i keep you friend memorys give me the striff i need to prceed the striff i need to believe wish i could turn back the hands of time us in the six shoping for new clothes and kicks me and you taking flicks making hits stages they recieve you on still cant believe your gone give any thing to here half your breath i know your still living life after death.
every step i take
every move i make
every single day every time i pray i'll be missing you
every step i take every move i make
what a life to take what a bond to break i'll be missing you on that morning when this life is over i know i'll see your face
repeat choros one x2

Puff Daddy/Faith Evans/112 - I'll Be Missing You
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