произведение Crashing Around You, исполняет Machine Head. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Crashing Around You

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Текст песни увидели: 576

Музыкант: Machine Head

Дата добавки: 2014-09-29

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:14

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Другие произведения музыканта Machine Head
Текст песни:

I am your nightmares, true scares
That dream when you can't stop from falling
Can't fight, can't run
Can't stop the person you've become

I am your heartbreaks, mistakes
That place inside your hate
I am that shadow following every move, reminding you
That it's never good enough, never good enough
Even though you'll try and try
I'm gonna call your bluff
Because I am the thing bringing the feelings when...

Your world comes crashing around you
Smashes down around you
When will you see that you cannot hide from me?

When you feel darkness, hopeless
Can't cope with all the stress
I'll make you hate life bring strife
Remember failures hardened stare
And it's never gonna change, never gonna change
Always they'll be judging you
Compared to who and who
You trust in me but I only live to see

Your world come crashing around you
Smash down around you
When will you see that you cannot hide from me?

When I come for you
When I see through you
When I eat through you
When I destroy you

You'll think you're betrayed, astray
I'll leave you ripped and torn so bad you
Can't trust, can't love
Can't understand why life's so fucked
I'm deep inside your mind
In constant remind
If you leave your thoughts to me, believe
I'll make sure that I see

Your world come crashing around you
Smash down around you
When will you see that you cannot hide from me?

I'll make your world come crashing around you
Smash down around you
I'll let you see why cannot hide from me
Because I am you

Machine Head - Crashing Around You [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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