произведение Heartless, исполняет Kanye West. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Heartless

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Музыкант: Kanye West

Дата добавки: 2014-10-06

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:32

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Другие произведения музыканта Kanye West
Текст песни:

In the night I hear them talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless
How could you be so heartless?

How could you be so
Cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo
Just remember that you talking to me yo
You need to watch the way you talking to me yo
I mean after all the things that we been through
I mean after all the things we got into
and yo I know some things you things that you aint told me
Ayo I did some things but thats the old me
And now you wanna pay me back
You gon' show me
so you walk round like you don't me
You got them new friends
Well I got homeys
But at the end its still so lonely
Heartless Lyrics On
In the night I hear them talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless

How could you be so Dr. Evil
You're bringing out a side of
me that I don't know,
I decided we wasn't gonna speak so why are up 3 a.m. on the phone,
Why does she be so mad at me for,homey I don't know she hot and cold,
I won't stop and mess my groove up cause I already know how this thing goes,
You run and tell you're friends that you're leavin' me,
They say that they don't see what you see in me,
You wait a couple months then you gone' see,
You'll never find nobody better than me

In the night I hear them talk,
The coldest story ever told,
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul,
To a woman so heartless

Talkin', talkin', talkin', talk
baby lets just knock it off
they dont know what we been through
they dont know 'bout me and you
so i got something new to see
and you just gon' keep hatin' me
and we just gon' be enemies
i know you cant believe
i could just leave it wrong
and you cant make it right
im gon' take off tonight
into the night..

In the night, i hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told.
somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul.
to a woman so heartless..
how could you be so heartless? oh.. how could you be so heartless.

Kanye West - Heartless
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