произведение Petrified, исполняет Fort Minor. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Petrified

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Музыкант: Fort Minor

Дата добавки: 2014-09-10

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:41

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Другие произведения музыканта Fort Minor
Текст песни:

Mike Shinoda
Y'all are not not r-ready (no)
Not r-ready (no)
We're about to drop it steady (so)
Do it like that
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

How ya doin', y'all?
My name is Mike.
I'm foolin' with the new shit
I'm doing it all night
I like what I do
I do what I like
I could quit and get it back
like I'm riding a bike
Like stop... bring it back, bring it back

We got that balance keeping us on track
That chya ya get what you move quick, with no slow
You stare like you don't care
But you do though

I know
You really must be so lonely
Puffed up, like you're tough, but so phony
You and your boys, you don't know me
You really wanna hold me show me, homie.

Let's get it over with for good
I got a friction addiction I wish you would
Machine Shop rockin' when we step inside
And we got everybody so petrified

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

Listen you are not ready
Like children in a building you can't stand steady
It must be the beat's so heavy
Causin' panic attacks like a crack in the levee

Give you that Robert Plant
Dancing days are back
Feeling all in the track and in fact
For those knowing the name
Of back with some brand new crap
Who can do it like that?

You really must be so lonely
Puffed up, like you're tough, but so phony
You and your boys, you don't know me
You really wanna hold me show me, homie.

Tough talk doesn't mean a thing
You know for yourself you know when we're up in a scene
Its Machine Shop rockin' when we step inside
And we got everybody so petrified

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

Y'all are not not r-ready (no)
Not r-ready (no)
We're about to drop it steady (so)
Do it like that
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....

Y'all are not not r-ready (no)
Not r-ready (no)
We're about to drop it steady (so)
Do it like that
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....
Like that (like that)....

Get UP

Now why is everybody so petrified? (what?)
Petrified? (what?)
Step aside. (and just)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)
Drop that... (come on!)

Like stop...
...Bring it back (bring it back)
We got that balance keeping us on track

Like stop...
...Bring it back (bring it back)
We got that balance keeping us on track

Like stop...
...Bring it back (bring it back)
We got that balance keeping us on track

Like stop...
...Bring it back (bring it back)
We got that balance keeping us on track

Stop... stop... stop... stop... stop... stop... stop... stop...fades ou

Fort Minor - Petrified
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