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Музыкант: Far East Movement ft. Cover Drive

Дата добавки: 2015-03-03

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:16

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Другие произведения музыканта Far East Movement ft. Cover Drive
Текст песни:

We are one tonight
And we're breathing in the same air,
So turn up the love,
Turn up the love,
We're turnin' up the love!

[Verse 1:]
Turn it up now,
Get it poppin', hot tamale,
Dirty bass, we so body body,
Too legit, we can't quit the party,
Super freaks, no Illuminati.
So one, two, hit the booze!
We on YouTube, nothing to lose,
So let it loose 'cause the sheep don't sleep,
Like pop pop pop pop!

[Verse 2:]
Drop low to the L O,
V E gotta get more,
So clap your hands, clap, clap your hands,
I got nothing but love to give.
Turn it up!
Turned up, you don't hear me, no!
Here's some love for your stereo,
So clap your hands, clap, clap your hands,
I got nothing but love to give.

[Chorus: x2]

[Verse 3:]
Go ahead, now floss your love like a heart of gold,
Dirty bass to bake a tootsie roll,
If you don't low on the floor
I got a crew that will handle that cookie jar.
Damn girl, I ain't tryin' to be rude,
Spread love like a guest list, you plus two,
That's what you call a move,
Like pop pop pop pop!

[Verse 4:]
Drop low to the L O,
V E gotta get more,
So clap your hands, clap, clap your hands,
I got nothing but love to give.
Turn it up!
Turned up, you don't hear me, no!
Here's some love for your stereo,
So clap your hands, clap, clap your hands,
I got nothing but love to give.

[Verse 5:]
Turn me on like this your song,
Dirty bass got love to give,
Turn it up now!
Mad monopoly all night long,
Dirty bass got love to give,
Yo, let me see that grin from ear to ear,
So much love in the atmosphere,
The good times roll with me right here,
I got nothing but love to give.

[Chorus: x2]

Turn it up now!
T-t-turn it up now!
Dirty bass got
Got love to give,
Got love to give,
Like pop pop pop pop!

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