произведение Without you, исполняет DV Street. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Without you

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Текст песни увидели: 396

Музыкант: DV Street

Дата добавки: 2014-10-06

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:37

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Текст песни:

I was very happy with her,
There was the best day in my life
When I knew that she is with me I thought
We would be together always forever but...
But I’ve mistaken because nothing in the world to tell
Nothing some days come to the and! OKEY

I feel bad without you,
Oh my god, I love you so much,
Love you when my eyes have been closed
I see only you but our warmth was lost…
I can’t forget your smile,
Your tender lips, delightful step,
The world turns over.
What happened with me?
You were an angel for me!

I wanted to say thousand sentences
But nothing came only some nonsence.
Since that time I've change a lot,
My heart was a stone,
Oh my heart was dead!
I tried to fall in love
And you are not realizing
What I do - impressing you girl
I again feel bad
Coze she's not whom I had
The other city to talk of that!
I’m sorry baby, she went... I’m sorry baby but I feel bad, but I feel bad...

Between the earth and the sky
My heart sink and I
Want to tell you
How bad I feel without you!

My dear little boy,
We had some time of joy
But our time has gone,
My feelings aren’t so strong.
I like you as a friend
But nothing more I've said,
I see your laugh and tears
But understand me please:
Don’t want to hurt you anymore,
Don’t rang me please in front of my door,
Coze nothing doing plan’s on you
And this no kisses you!
You had no chance to be with me
And this beyond where you can see,
I am sorry yes it’s really sad,
Forgive me and forget...

Between the earth and the sky
My heart sink and I
Want to tell you
How bad I feel without you!

Between the earth and the sky
My heart sink and I
Want to tell you
How bad I feel without you...
Without you......ahaaaa.....
Forgive me and forget!

I'll forget you
I promise you....

Dv Street - Without you
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