произведение Another Red Light, исполняет David Hodges. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Another Red Light

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Текст песни увидели: 538

Музыкант: David Hodges

Дата добавки: 2014-07-02

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:15

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Другие произведения музыканта David Hodges
Текст песни:

another red light on a cold november day
i see the faces following close in a long headlight parade
to a resting place where tear-stained eyes say goodbye

i've been moving so fast i've forgotten where i'm going
i'm driving blind but the wheels of life have a beautiful way of slowing you down sometimes
to catch your breath and take a second to

smile when you're not supposed to laugh
and cry when you're supposed to hold it back
and live like the sun is burning out of the sky
'cause tomorrow's too late so don't waste a day of this life

the long black car moves slow through the intersection
i take a left and i point my life in the opposite direction
i take a breath 'cause i can't help thinking
that the man in that lincoln is telling me to

smile when you're not supposed to laugh
and cry when you're supposed to hold it back
and live like the sun is burning out of the sky
'cause tomorrow's too late so don't waste a day of this life

so many souls are set on leaving for eden
but i will cherish this time here
yeah yeah

smile when you're not supposed to laugh
and cry when you're supposed to hold it back
and live like the sun is burning out of the sky
'cause tomorrow's too late there's no time to wait
so don't waste a day in this life

Another Red Light - David Hodges
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