произведение The Foetus of a New Day Kicking, исполняет Cradle of Filth. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: The Foetus of a New Day Kicking

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Текст песни увидели: 518

Музыкант: Cradle of Filth

Дата добавки: 2014-10-22

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:43

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Другие произведения музыканта Cradle of Filth
Текст песни:

I’m chaos international
The writing on the wall
A Lazarus in parable

A dark and sullen lullaby
Whispered softly as you die
Promising torments are nigh

Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I’m reeling from the shock at ground zero

If yesterday you would have stood up proud
Then why tonight have you thrown in with the stoning crowd?
I’ll breathe through the foetus of a new day kicking…

The foetus of a new day kicking

It’s true that Jesus cannot save
I’m rising from the grave
To put my double cross to shame

A poison rush, a heart attack
A white assassin painted black
You’ll fear this reaper coming back

Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I’m reeling from the shock at ground zero

If yesterday you would have stood up proud
Then why tonight have you thrown in with the stoning crowd?
I’ll breathe through the foetus of a new day kicking…

On a night like this
You laid the serpent’s kiss
In this garden of Gethsemane
You played the traitor well

In a dawn to come
I will blind the sun
To grant you pardon as my enemy

Before damning you to hell…

Danger warning levels hissed out loud
I saw the silver lining hidden in a mushroom cloud
Now I’m reeling from the shock at ground zero

If yesterday you would have stood up proud
Then why tonight have you thrown in with the stoning crowd?
I’ll breathe through the foetus of a new day kicking…

Cradle Of Filth - The Foetus Of A New Day Kicking
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