произведение Make Them Suffer, исполняет Cannibal Corpse. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Make Them Suffer

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Текст песни увидели: 402

Музыкант: Cannibal Corpse

Дата добавки: 2014-10-23

Длительность mp3 песни: 02:50

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Другие произведения музыканта Cannibal Corpse
Текст песни:

Paul Mazurkiewicz/Pat O'Brien

Extreme pain is what they need to feel for the rest of their lives
Misery and despair leaves their souls when infinity ends

Let them taste the wrath as the agony consumes them
Swallowed by the darkest light a blackened state of dismay
Survival is the only thing left for them
This grievous revelation is a new beginning
Led to the solution against their will

Deprivation thrives as the therapy continues
Sullen mastery is an answer uncontested
Denial is the only thing left for them
Life as they knew it is a distant memory
Scores of victims lust for apathy

Make them suffer
While they plead for cessation
Entirely demoralized and close to mass extinction
Damned to please supremacy
The reason for their martyrdom they will never know

Make them suffer
While they bleed through damnation
Begged for retribution before meeting with demise
Cursed by animosity
Once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

(Solo: Pat O'Brien)

Domination reigns supreme the evil has no end
Spent of all their energy now worthless and degraded
Slow death is the only thing left for them
Physically and mentally devoid of dignity
Languished immortality

Make them suffer
While they plead for cessation
Entirely demoralized and close to mass extinction
Damned to please supremacy
The reason for their martyrdom they will never know

Make them suffer
While they bleed through damnation
Begged for retribution before meeting with demise
Cursed by animosity
Once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

Make them suffer

Cannibal Corpse - Make Them Suffer [Lyrics On Screen] [1080p]
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