произведение Your Betrayal, исполняет Bullet For My Valentine. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Your Betrayal

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Музыкант: Bullet For My Valentine

Дата добавки: 2014-08-19

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:51

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Другие произведения музыканта Bullet For My Valentine
Текст песни:

Am I going insane (insane)
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks)
My body's aching there's no turning back

So take your eyes off the trigger
I'm not to blame if your world turns to black
as your eyes start to blister
This is just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your head!!!

You were told to to run away
soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name

You said that we'd be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face
Now that we can't be together
There's just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your head (heart?)!!!

You were told to run away
Soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your head (heart?)!!!

You were told to to run away
soaked the place enlight the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!

I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Your Betrayal!!!

Bullet For My Valentine - Your Betrayal
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