произведение Bad Kids, исполняет Black Lips. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Bad Kids

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Текст песни увидели: 582

Музыкант: Black Lips

Дата добавки: 2014-10-10

Длительность mp3 песни: 02:08

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Другие произведения музыканта Black Lips
Текст песни:

Bad kids all my friends are bad kids
Product of no dad kids
Kids like you and me

Bad kids aint no college grad kids
Livin life out on the skids
Kids like you and me

In Class
We are a minority
Got no
Respect for authority
And won't
Play well with others
And steal
From all your mothers
They'll try
To give us pills
Oh wait
Give us all the pills
Go cry
Mom I gotta go to court
Dad won't
Pay his child support

Well you gotta understand
We only do these things because all we are is

Bad kids all my friends are bad kids
Product of no dad kids
Kids like you and me

Bad kids aint no college grad kids
Livin life out on the skids
Kids like you and me

At home
He throws a hissy fit
Time out
He doesn't give a shit
Got drunk
Off all of grandmas schnaps
Got caught
Runnin from the cops
Paper on the yard
Six f's
On my report card
Smoke cigs
In the bathroom stall
Spray paint
Penis on the wall

Well you gotta understand
We only do these things because all we are is

Bad kids all my friends are bad kids
Product of no dad kids
Kids like you and me

Bad kids aint no college grad kids
Livin life out on the skids
Kids like you and me

Black Lips - Bad Kids
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