произведение Different Worlds, исполняет Asia. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Different Worlds

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Текст песни увидели: 639

Музыкант: Asia

Дата добавки: 2014-08-25

Длительность mp3 песни: 05:52

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Текст песни:

Time and tide,
Are the dreams that come and go,
They wait for no man on the shore.
Should you step,
In the same dark river twice,
Let it wash the sins away,

Is there time at hand,
With so much to say?
And I know, it's a different world today,
And I know, to another God we pray,
And I know, we're in different worlds today.

Here I stand,
My philosophy held high,
Like a preacher in a foreign land.
And here we walk,
In the wilderness of sands,
With the prophet and the holy man.

Is there time at hand,
With so much to say?
And I know, it's a different world today,
And I know, to another God we pray,
And I know, we're in different worlds today,
And I know, it's a different world today.

They're burning the Book,
they're burning the faith,
Our dream will be over,
Let's wake from the sleep, a legion we'll be,
To live forever.

I know I as wrong, I have to put it right,
I just can't let it slip away,
'Cause it's a different world today.

Different world, different world,
different world today,
Is it a better world today?

Asia - Different Worlds
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